PRINTING PRESS 101 (12/10/2020)
PRINTING PRESS 101 (04/04/2018)
PRINTING PRESS 101 (27/08/2016)
PRINTER FOR A DAY (05/07/2016)
In the old city of Vicenza, inside a palace of the XVI century, is based our print house since the Seventies.
My name is Giancarlo and I am a printer. With love and dedication I carry on the activity that my grandfather Ottorino founded in 1946. I spend my days between presses, inks and paper. I have always been involved in copper engraving and lithography, through artisanal printing systems remained unchanged over time. Over the years, in the shop, almost nothing has changed: it is the continuous passage of generations of artists to mark the time, by the great masters of the '900 (as Murer, Guttuso, Zancanaro ...) to contemporary illustrators. Today we allow anyone, experienced or not, to immerse within these suggestive walls, to get that feeling that you live by raising from the presses a 'simple' piece of paper that will be called lithography, engraving or woodcut.
In the old city of Vicenza, inside a palace of the XVI century, is based our print house since the Seventies. My name is Giancarlo and I am a printer. With love and dedication I carry on the activity that my grandfather Ottorino founded in 1946. I spend my days between presses, inks and paper. I have always been involved in copper engraving and lithography, through artisanal printing systems remained unchanged over time. Over the years, in the shop, almost nothing has changed: it is the continuous passage of generations of artists to mark the time, by the great masters of the '900 (as Murer, Guttuso, Zancanaro ...) to contemporary illustrators. Today we allow anyone, experienced or not, to immerse within these suggestive walls, to get that feeling that you live by raising from the presses a 'simple' piece of paper that will be called lithography, engraving or woodcut. | |
PRINTING PRESS 101 (12/10/2020)
Entrare nella Bottega di Giancarlo è un'emozione unica: storia, arte e passione si uniscono a creare un'atmosfera affascinante. Giancarlo è una persona molto disponibile che attraverso il suo racconto trasmette con professionalità la passione e l'impegno che ogni giorno mette nel suo lavoro. Riesce a coinvolgere le persone nella sua attività di artigiano, illustrando i dettagli più curiosi e facendo conoscere in modo approfondito le tecniche di stampa che eseguite in Bottega. Attraverso le sue parole si effettua un tuffo non solo nell'arte e nell'artigianato ma anche nelle emozioni, dando la possibilità di vivere un'esperienza unica ed emozionale.
PRINTING PRESS 101 (04/04/2018)
Ieri con mia moglie e mio figlio siamo stati da Giancarlo nel suo affascinante laboratorio. Premetto che lavoro nel mondo della rappresentanza artigiana e quindi ne ho conosciuti tanti di artigiani e ne ho vissute tante di esperienze "uniche". Giancarlo riesce a rendere straordinario anche quello che non immagini.
Il metterci alla prova, la volontà di farci intercettare le curiosità, la perizia, l'esperienza ed il desiderio spontaneo di donarsi all'interlocutore, rende Giancarlo una persona assolutamente da conoscere. Arte e artigianato si sposano con successo nel laboratorio ed il tempo vola...e non è mai abbastanza! Grazie Giancarlo e grazie anche a Valerio, suo dipendente, maestro anch'egli, per cortesia, finezza e passione. |
PRINTING PRESS 101 (27/08/2016)
Splendida esperienza, all'interno di un laboratorio particolare e funzionale, dove si possono ammirare stampe di grandi artisti, dove tutto sembra avere una storia, un passato da raccontare.
Giancarlo e' una persona disponibile oltre ogni aspettativa, spiega tutto con molta professionalità e non trascura i dettagli, ogni lavoro risulta così impeccabile, unico e personale. Ho potuto toccare con mano l'incisione a 'punta secca' su matrice in plexiglas e la tecnica 'cera molle' su lastra di zinco. Abbiamo fatto diverse prove di colore e ho potuto vedere la progressione di ogni disegno. Sono esperienze uniche, un vero privilegio per chi le sa cogliere. |
PRINTER FOR A DAY (05/07/2016)
Giancarlo hosted an amazing day for me in his beautiful workshop. I was immediately made to feel at home and was able to prepare more than three methods for printing my own artwork. I especially loved engaging with the lithography and watching printing technique on the 400 year old press, and viewing artwork of Italian masters in the gallery. Students of art working peacefully in the studio were very helpful, a lovely community. I highly recommend a visit or a day of printing with Giancarlo. Very rewarding. Thank you for a fantastic Italian Story experience.
Amanda |
Giancarlo, printer
Getting into a Print House is a bit like going in a place without time. You will be welcomed in a historical atelier located in a palace of the XVI century. There we have been carrying out for 70 years, the ancient craft of the Art Printing. You will visit the workshop where you will see ancient printing presses and molds. There you will assist to the Art of Chalcography and Lithography through some practical demonstrations. You will see how to prepare the molds, how to ink and how to print. You can get to the main floor of the palace to admire the exhibition rooms and the historical archive. We will offer a souvenir of the visit to each participant.
Giancarlo, printer
Getting into a Print House is a bit like going in a place without time. You will be welcomed in a historical atelier located in a palace of the XVI century. There we have been carrying out for 70 years, the ancient craft of the Art Printing. You will visit the workshop where you will see ancient printing presses and molds. There you will assist to the Art of Chalcography and Lithography through some practical demonstrations. You will see how to prepare the molds, how to ink and how to print. You can get to the main floor of the palace to admire the exhibition rooms and the historical archive. We will offer a souvenir of the visit to each participant.
Giancarlo, printer
Through this hands-on workshop anyone will be a printer... at least for one day! After visiting the shop and the archive, you will be ready to slip the apron as a true craftsmen. You will use an array of plexiglass, whereyou can practice the art of dry point. You will be guided in the engraving of the plate that you can print by yourself. The skilled hands of Giancarlo will show also other more complex printing techniques. At the end of you you can take home the matrix realized during the class, and two copies of your work (color and black/white).
Giancarlo, printer
Ready for a full immersion day in the world of printmaking? You'll be welcomed in the printing lab, a beautiful shop located right in the middle of Vicenza, more precisely in an old palace. You'll have the chance to visit the lab, the showrooms and the archive, full of testimonials left from countless artists dating all the way back to 900. Next, you'll be introduced to the three main printing techniques: chalcography (dry tip), litography and xilography. With the help of Giancarlo you'll follow all the main steps of the printing process: from wetting the paper to the final authentication of the completed print. Lunch will be the perfect opportunity to have a nice walk around the Palladium city and to taste the typical baccalà fish together. At the end of the day every participant will be given a copy for every printing technique used.
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